Our Adaptability Will Help Kick Start Our Economy 17th April 2020 Coronavirus has had a huge impact on all our daily lives with a significant amount of change having taken place over the last few weeks. Whilst we mainly look... Opinions
The Best of Burnley 10th April 2020 Along with the rest of the country, I was shocked and saddened to hear the news earlier this week that the Prime Minister had been moved into Intensive Care due... Opinions
Safety of all Workers is Key 3rd April 2020 This is a very difficult time for us all and as you can imagine I have received a substantial amount of correspondence on COVID-19, something which has meant... Opinions
Stay Home - Save Lives 27th March 2020 The Prime Minister’s announcement on Monday was unprecedented and has resulted in substantial changes for us all. I know it is an unnerving time. Combating... Opinions
Coronavirus 20th March 2020 Given the current position with Coronavirus I wanted to use this week’s column to address the issue and give you the best possible update I can, based on the... Opinions
A Budget for Burnley 13th March 2020 Given the current position with Coronavirus I wanted to use this week’s column to address the issue and give you the best possible update I can, based on the... Opinions
Points Based Immigration System 6th March 2020 In less than one year, for the first time in decades, the UK will have full control over who comes to this country and how our immigration system operates. This... Opinions
Setting up the Office 21st February 2020 This week has been my first during a Parliamentary recess – a period where Parliament is not sitting in Westminster and MPs can head back to the constituency... Opinions
Flood Defences 14th February 2020 Last week was tough for the people in Padiham and for those living near the bottom of Towneley as Storm Ciara hit causing bad flooding. First off, I want to say... Opinions