Antony Higginbotham MP joined with the Burnley and Pendle Friends League (BPFL) to celebrate Eid Ul Fitr and Easter at the Ambulance Hall in Nelson this week, marking the end of Ramadan and Easter.
Over 150 people were in attendance including Fayzan Faisal Qadri from Minaj Ul Qur’an Mosque Rev. father Munawar Din, the pastor of St Luke’s and area Dean of Burnley.
After speakers on both Islam and Christianity both MPs made a speech followed by a celebratory meal and a vote of thanks from the chairman of BPFL Saghir Ahmed
Commenting on the event Antony Higginbotham MP said:
Easter, Ramadan and Eid are essentially very personal sacrifice we make in private, the things that we do for our own reconnection to God, but there is also the public aspect similar to this afternoon where we come to together as friends and families to share our thoughts representing our common interests and goals in life.
Saghir Ahmed, Chairman of BPFL, said:
I would like to all our friends from all faiths and backgrounds for accepting our invitation and attending. We had an excellent afternoon together celebrating common Holy and blessed events and enjoying feast in brotherly and friendly atmosphere which the event wished to achieve.